What’s on your mind?
Contact me using the form below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
For years, I left my contact form plugin’s original settings intact. And then one day, I realized I’m getting old AF and those tiny gray outlines around the input boxes are really hard to see. So I tweaked the plugin’s CSS to change the color of the box outline, making it much easier to see. I guess there are benefits to aging – improved user experience on the website, if nothing else. You’re welcome.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where else can I find you online?
Like Visa, I’m everywhere you want to be. Okay, not really. But I am on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. I rarely post these days because I’m deeply pessimistic about, oh, well, everything, including social media. But if you drop me a line and tell me that’s where you love to communicate, I’ll check in just for you.
Will you write back?
Yes! I love hearing from readers and I’ll definitely write back. Sometimes people write to tell me they liked a book, or they want to know how to get started in the writing biz. I may not be the best person to ask if your motivation is purely financial, but if you’re dedicated to the craft and want to be a better writer, I’m all about that. Let’s talk.
Can I re-do your website?
No. I’m a control freak. You know those people who watch you put a fork in the dishwasher and then have to pick it up and put it somewhere else in the dishwasher because you put it in the wrong place? That’s me. My husband has pretty much given up attempting to put things in the dishwasher. Some days I wonder if I have made a terrible mistake with this.
Can I come see you in person?
Okay, so no one has ever actually asked me this. But it’s probably best that you don’t. I live way out in the country, and to get to my house, you have to drive past my neighbor, who is usually drunk and has a lot of guns. Also, he doesn’t like it when people drive down the gravel road because the dust gets all over his house and cars and things. Drunk + grumpy + guns = bad things will happen. Also, some days I don’t wear makeup and it’s kind of scary.
Can I be in your next book?
Maybe. Are you okay with getting killed? I kill a lot of characters. I currently have openings for cops, foot soldiers, and henchmen. Hmm…do you know anything about forgery? Or missing royal treasures? I’m always on the lookout for those. You can’t write a Natalie Brandon thriller without a treasure of some sort. Well, you kind of can if it’s The Dante Deception and the treasure is a forged document, but that was supposed to be a novella, not an actual book. Sometimes these things get out of hand. Like, the Muse says, “Oh, you wanted a novella? You’re getting a ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND WORD BOOK, BITCH. What do you think about that?” And I have to say okay because that’s how writing works.
Do you have a tiara?
I have two, neither of which contain real diamonds, platinum, or gold. Shit. I might be failing at this tiara thing. If you have information about tiaras, actual tiaras, or photos of tiaras, please get in touch. I’m all ears. And I have a 25” head circumference, so if your diadem would fit me, I’ll probably ask if I can try it on and take a picture.